Actions for Submitted Traveler Forms

Modified on Thu, 25 Jul, 2024 at 2:02 PM

Welcome! Today, we'll quickly show you how to submit a traveler form in the Oasis Travel Platform.

1. Under the Clients tab and Traveler Forms tab, you'll find the Submissions tab. This is where you'll find any of the Traveler forms submitted by your clients.

2. Here you can view your submitted information and all the client fields the traveler submitted.

3. You can create a New Client using the information.

  • Clicking on New will allow you to select a new Lead/Booking to assign the New Client to and automatically create a new Client record.

4. If there is a contact already in your database, you can merge the form information with that contact.

  • Clicking Merge will allow you to Select a Client to update with the Traveler Form information

5. Otherwise, you can simply Ignore the form information which will delete the traveler form submission.

And that's how to submit a traveler form on the Oasis Travel Platform! We hope you found this guide helpful. If you need additional help or want to share your thoughts, reach out at support@myoasisapp.comWe love hearing from you and are always here to help.