How to Create a New Client

Modified on Tue, 19 Nov, 2024 at 8:55 AM

To add a Client to your Oasis Platform database follow the above video or below instructions.

1.  Select Clients from the Dashboard on the left hand side. 

Click 'Clients'

2.   Next, select Recent

Click 'Recent'

3.  In the top right corner, click on Create Client

Click 'Create Client'

4.  Enter your client's information. If you receive an alert saying the client already exists, please search for their record using their email address instead of creating a new client.

New Client Pop-Up Window

5. Click Save to continue

Click Save

6.  The new client will display in the list below the search fields. Click on either the contacts name, or the edit icon to the right to make changes to the record.

New Client List

7.  On the Contact tab you can fill in any missing details such as addresses, profile info and notes, Social Links, and Last Contacted Dates.

8.  On the Personal tab you can edit more personal information such as the Clients Passport, Emergency Contact info, preferences, flight info and other travel preferences specific to the client.

9.  Under the Miscellaneous tab will house any custom fields your company has setup. These custom fields can be modified or created under your Company Profile tab on the left hand side. Learn how to Edit Custom Fields here.

10. The Credit Cards tab provides a secure method for storing client credit card information, ensuring end-to-end protection. This feature allows for seamless payment of travel expenses without the need for frequent client contact.

11.  The History tab, displays historical changes to the client information.

Learn how to Use Forms to Create or Update Clients Information

And that's how to Create a new Client on the Oasis Travel Platform!

We hope you found this guide helpful. If you need additional help or want to share your thoughts, reach out at We love hearing from you and are always here to help.