How to Add, Remove or Reorder Dashlets

Modified on Wed, 4 Sep, 2024 at 10:37 AM

1. Navigate to the My Account tab located in the lower left-hand corner. Alternatively, you can click on your profile link in the top right and select the Edit Account option.

2. Located at the bottom is the Dashboard List section which lists out any active dashlet on your dashboard.

3. To Add a Dashlet, click on the drop box at the bottom to see the list of available Dashlets. Select the Dashlet you'd like to see on your dashboard.

4. Once selected, click on the green link to the right to add the dashlet.

5. New Dashlets are appended to the bottom of the dashboard item's list.

6.  To reorder the Dashlets, click on the list icon and drag it to a new position.

Click and Drag

7. Lastly, to remove a Dashlet, simply click the corresponding icon to remove it located to the right.

That is how you add, remove or reorder Dashlets on your dashboard.  We hope you found this guide helpful, if you have need any additional help or want to share your thoughts, reach out to