How to Create a Task & Add the Task List Dashlet to the Dashboard

Modified on Wed, 4 Sep, 2024 at 10:34 AM

Effective task management is key to staying organized, especially when juggling multiple Clients and Lead/Bookings. The Tasks feature allows you to stay on top of everything from follow-ups with clients to internal reminders. This guide will walk you through how to create tasks and add a Task List Dashlet to your dashboard, ensuring that you never miss an important deadline. 

Creating a New Task

You can create tasks in two main areas: the Tasks sidebar area or directly from a Lead/Booking Information page.

Option 1: Create a Task from the Tasks Area

From the left-hand menu, click on Tasks and select Search. This section acts as your hub for managing all current tasks.

Click on the Add Task button in the top right hand corner. This will open a form where you can input details about your task.

Fill Out Task Information:

  • Task Name: Clearly name your task, like “Confirm hotel booking.”

  • Description: Add details. For example, “Call XYZ Hotel to confirm reservation for the Smith itinerary.”

  • Due Date: Set the deadline for when the task needs to be completed. This could be days before the client departs to ensure everything is in order.

  • Lead: If this task is connected to a specific client, select the relevant lead. For general tasks, leave this field blank.

  • Agent: Assign the task to yourself or a team member who will be responsible for completing it.

After inputting all necessary information, click Save.

Option 2: Create a Task from the Lead Information Page

This method is useful when you’re working on a specific lead/booking and want to tie a task to it. In the specific Lead/Booking, click on the Tasks tab to view or add tasks tied with this lead/booking.

Just like in the Tasks area, fill in the task details, including Task Name, Description, Due Date, and Agent.

Click Save to finalize the task.

Once you've created tasks, the next step is ensuring they're easily accessible. You can add the Task List Dashlet to your dashboard so you can see your upcoming tasks at a glance.

How to Add the Task List Dashlet:

From the left-hand menu, click My Account. Located at the bottom of your account settings, scroll through the available dashlets until you find the one labeled Upcoming Tasks (Next 7 Days). Click to add this dashlet to your dashboard. 

Note: You must click the Green Link to the Right to confirm the dashlet will be added. It will be added to the list with a Red link to Unlink or remove the dashlet if needed.

This will display tasks that are due in the next seven days. You can also reorganize your Dashlets by clicking and dragging the menu icon to the left.

After adding the dashlet, click the dashboard area and you’ll now see your tasks front and center, ensuring you can track upcoming deadlines at a glance.

And that's how to create tasks and add the tasks dashlet to your dashboard on the Oasis Travel Platform! We hope you found this guide helpful. If you need additional help or want to share your thoughts, reach out at We love hearing from you and are always here to help.