Managing Groups with Financial Toggles

Modified on Mon, 24 Feb at 10:46 AM

In the Groups section of the Oasis Travel Platform, you have the ability to manage multiple Lead/Bookings under a single group. This feature is incredibly useful for organizing and tracking trips more efficiently. An important aspect of this section is the financial toggles: Show Costs, Show Bills, and Show Payments. 

Here’s a clear and concise explanation of each option and how to use them effectively:

Understanding the Financial Toggles

Show Costs: This toggle controls whether the costs associated with the lead/bookings are displayed in the group summary. When this is turned on, you will see all the related costs for the leads included in the group.

Show Bills: This toggle determines if the bills for the leads/bookings are shown in the group summary. Keeping this on will ensure that all the billing information is visible for the leads in the group.

Show Payments: This toggle controls whether the payments made for the leads/bookings are included in the group summary. When this is turned on, you will see all the related payments for the leads included in the group.

Note: The Sales Stage can be any status, but the subcategory or attached group must be either "Confirmed" or "Won." This is how Oasis determines which itinerary and supplier financials to pull in for the Trip Costs.

How to Use the Toggles and Their Benefits

These toggles are essential for customizing the financial information displayed in your group summary, reports and dashlets. Here are two scenarios to illustrate their use and benefits:

Managing Financials in Individual Leads:

  • Scenario: You have a Master Lead and you want to manage all financials in Individual Leads.

  • Toggles on Master Lead/Booking:

    • All Toggles OFF

  • Toggles on Individual Lead/Booking:

    • All Toggles ON

  • Benefit: This allows for a more granular financial tracking at the individual lead level, giving you detailed insights and control over each lead's financials.

Centralized Financial Group Management:

  • Scenario: You prefer to manage all costs and bills centrally via the Group while handling invoices on Individual leads.

  • Toggles on MASTER Lead/Booking: 

    • Show Costs and Show Bill - ON

    • Show Payments - OFF

  • Toggles on Individual Lead/Booking:

    • Show Costs and Show Bill - OFF

    • Show Payments - ON

  • Benefit:

    • For the Master Lead/Booking: This setup will include costs and bills in the group summary but exclude payments. This ensures that the primary financial responsibilities are tracked centrally on the Group, simplifying overall management.

    • For Individual Lead/Bookings: This configuration will show payments in the group summary for each individual lead without displaying their costs or supplier bills. This allows for clear and focused payment tracking on a per-lead basis and facilitates individualized payment and invoicing for travelers.

By understanding and using these toggles effectively, you can tailor the financial summaries in your groups to best suit your management style and needs. This flexibility ensures that your group summaries and reports reflect the financial information you need in the way you want it presented, ultimately enhancing your efficiency and control over group financials.

Click to Learn More about Groups?

And that's how to Managing Groups with Financial Toggles on the Oasis Travel Platform! We hope you found this guide helpful. If you need additional help or want to share your thoughts, reach out at We love hearing from you and are always here to help.